1. Sources and Habitation
Quercetin, a flavonol, is a plant derived flavonoid found in fruits, vegetables, leaves and grains.
It also may be used as an ingredient in supplements, beverages or foods.
2. Descriptions and Specifications of Product
Plant original: Sophora japonica L., Onion, Nettle
Content Specifications: 95.0% Quercetin Test by HPLC, 98% Quercetin
Molecular Formula: C15H10O7
Molecular Mass: 302.24
CAS NO: 117-39-5
Constitutional Formula:
3. Indications and Uses
Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. It is also a natural anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory.
Research shows that quercetin may help to prevent cancer, especially prostate cancer.
4. Safety Concerns
Although considered safe, sometimes quercetin can cause headaches or an upset stomach, and there had been some reports of kidney damage at doses greater than 1g/day.17 However, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center notes that no adverse effects in humans have been reported taking doses as high as 4g/day.18 Pregnant or nursing women should always consult with their healthcare provider prior to taking any supplement.
5. Dosage Information
Although there are no widely recognized standard dosage recommendations for quercetin, intakes of as high as 100-1000mg per day, consumed in 2-3 divided doses have been used with no apparent adverse side effects.