Name:crude yellow beeswax
crude beeswax beeswax's usage:
Beeswa x is mainly used to make honeycomb foundation for reuse by the bees. Purified and bleached beeswax is used in the production of food, cosmetics, and [pharmaceuticals :
Beeswax is used as a coating for cheese, to protect the food as it ages. As a food additive, beeswax is known as E901 (glazing agent).
As a skin care product, a German study found beeswax to be superior to similar "barrier creams" (usually mineral oil based creams, such as petroleum jelly), when used according to its protocol.
[7] Be eswax is an ingredient in moustache wax, as well as hair pomades. Beeswa x is an ingredient in surgical bone wax.
Candles Beeswax candles are preferred in churches because they burn cleanly, with little or no wax dripping down the sides and little visible smoke.[citation needed]