Our insulated plastic containers (also known as bins /tubs) were made from double-walled Polyethylene (PE) shell and insulated with a choice of expanded Polyurethane(PU)for use in various industries such as Fisheries, Food Processing, Medicine, Leisure & Outdoor Activities and others. The products is once shaping technique--rotomolded, has good sealing performance and features high strength, good tenacity, with a foaming technology is applied, so all ROTA insualtedtub/cooler box all have an extremely good insulation time and outstanding durability.
Our insulated plastic containers (also known as bins / tubs) are a proven way of increasing efficiency, keeping fresh, raising catch value & quality and potentially improving profits.
Our insulated plastic containers/Logistic Box are the most popular & frequently used in the cold-chain logistic, medicine transports,
outdoor activities and food processing (fish, shrimp & meat) sectors, for storage & keeping fresh during preparation.
● Dairy
● Meat
● Fishing
● Poultry
● Seafood
● Frozen Food
● Food Processed
● Medicine
● .........