FOXBORO FCP270 P0917YZ H929049B0500 H92904CC0500 P0914TN RH924YF RH924WA FBM233 P0926GX FBM233 P0926GX FBM230 P0926GU If Enable Remote is selected (and Rated Speed is selected), thecontrol will ramp speed to the reference value set by the remote speed- settingmilliamp input (at the Raise or Lower Rate). The remote speed setting operatesfrom 4 to 20 mA. The values of the 4 mA and 20 mA Remote Reference setpoints must be set between the Raise and Lower Limit set points. The 4 mARemote Reference set point may be set to a lower or higher speed than the 20mA set point, providing for either direct or reverse-acting remote speed setting.If Remote is selected when the ldle/Rated switch contacts are closed, or duringthe idle-to-rated ramp, the speed reference will ramp to the speed referencevalue determined by the milliamps on the remote speed-setting input, based onthe Raise Rate/Lower Rate set points.Remote speed-setting inputs between 2 and 4 mA are treated as the minimum of4 mA. Below 2 mA, the remote input is considered failed. Between 4 and 20 mA,the control determines the required speed reference based on a straight lineinterpolated between the 4 mA Remote Reference and 20 mA RemoteReference set points. If a difference is detected between the current speedreference and the remote reference computed from the mA input, the currentspeed reference is raised or lowered at the rate determined by the Raise orLower Rate to bring the speed reference into agreement with the remote speedreference.' The remote reference will not increase speed over the FBM232 P0926GW FCP280 RH924YA FCP280 RH924YA FBM233 P0926GX FBM227 P0927AC FCP270 P0917YZ FBM237 RH914XS FBM219 RH916RH FBM207C RH917GY FBM227 P0927AC CM902WX FCP270 P0917YZ 0399143 SY-0301060R SY-1025115C/SY-1025120E SY-60399001R SY-60301001RBRaise Limit orlower it below the Lower Limit, nor change speed faster or slower than the RaiseRate/Lower Rate respectively.When Remote Reference is selected and the remote input is failed (less than 2mA), the speed reference remains at the current value. The speed reference canbe changed in this situation only by increasing the remote reference above 2 mAor by opening the Remote Enable switch and toggling the Run/Stop switch orCycling the power to the control (cycling the power is not recommended).When the current operating mode is Rated, switching to Idle results in rampingengine speed to idle based on the Decel Time set point.If the control is in Remote Speed Reference and you wish to retum to RatedSpeed, the Remote switch must be in the open position and the Run/Stop switchtoggled (or cycle the power to the control, which is not recommended). Motion control technologies have played a definitive role in setting up the modern industrial era. In the last few decades, automation systems have grown considerably and are now an important part of most production units. Driving these units are motion control systems, actuating them in the most optimal ways and extracting the best results out of them. Kollmorgen is a motion control brand that entered the game over a 100 years ago, making a name for itself in numerous industries before stepping into the motion control business. Its innovative product development practices, talented and professional team, and high-end manufacturing facilities have earned it a great repute in the market. Its huge international clientele trusts it for their motion solutions and is spread all over the world. The AKM Synchronous Servomotor series by Kollmorgen is a high-end product range that has been well-received in the market. Developed specifically for Kollmorgen’s SERVOSTAR servoamplifier series, it comprises top of the line servomotors for precision-engineering applications. They are fitted with rare earth magnets inside their stators; this enhances their performance characteristics and makes them more powerful than counterparts in the market.
SY-60702001RA/SY-61025006RA/SY-61025004RA/SY-61025001RA 0399144 SY-0301059F SY-1025115C/SY-1025120E FCP270 P0917YZ H92 FBM218 IPM02/P0904HA FOXBORO FCP270 P0917YZ H929049B0500 H92904CC0500 P0914TN RH924YF RH924WA In addition to this, all AKM servomotors comply with the IP65 protection degree and have Class F thermal insulation for protection against harsh environmental conditions. For a prolonged life, they feature class N vibration. The AKM41H-ACCNR-00 is a state of the art motion device. At standstill, it registers a torque of 2.06 Nm while drawing 5.60 A current. When it is operated with an input signal of 230V, it boasts rated performance characteristics of 6,000 RPM speed, 1.62 Nm torque, and 1.02 kW power. For feedback, this servomotor packs a resolver that conveys accurate information to the drive. Its feedback connections are made via the 0.5m shielded cable and angular connectors that are part of the package. For easy interfacing with other devices, it has n 84mm IEC flange and a keyway cut into its output shaft. Product Description The Kollmorgen 64WKS-M240/50-RLG is a transistor inverter. The rated current for the device is 50 Amps rms. only qualified personnel with basic electrotechnical knowledge should be allowedto install the device. A maximum of four 64WKS-M240/50-RLG equipment can be housing in a single 19 inch 6U rack. The device is connected at the rear through plug-in terminals or stud bolts. Width of the 64WKS-M240/50-RLG device is 170 millimeters and therefore 3 housing can be fitted side by side in a 600 millimeter control cabinet. Features available on the 64WKS-M240/50-RLG include circuit smoothing capacitors, FBM233 P0926GX FBM233 P0926GX FBM230 P0926GU FBM232 P0926GW FCP280 RH924YA FCP280 RH924YA FBM233 P0926GX FBM227 P0927AC FCP270 P0917YZ FBM237 RH914XS FBM219 RH916RH FBM207C RH917GY FBM227 P0927AC CM902WX FCP270 P0917YZ 0399143 SY-0301060R SY-1025115C/SY-1025120E SY-60399001R SY-60301001RB
SY-60702001RA/SY-61025006RA/SY-61025004RA/SY-61025001RA 0399144 SY-0301059F SY-1025115C/SY-1025120E FCP270 P0917YZ H92 FBM218 fuses for auxiliary power supply and intermediate circuit, four-quadrant three-phase output, two rated value differential inputs, input for three-phase DC or brushless tachometer, enable input, PI speed and current controller, front panel and LED displays for RLG and fault signals.Rated supply voltage for the 64WKS- M240/50-RLG is 3-phase 60 to 172 Volts AC. IPM02/P0904HA FOXBORO FCP270 P0917YZ H929049B0500 H92904CC0500 P0914TN RH924YF RH924WA FBM233 P0926GX FBM233 P0926GX FBM230 P0926GU FBM232 P0926GW FCP280 RH924YA FCP280 RH924YA FBM233 P0926GX FBM227 P0927AC FCP270 P0917YZ FBM237 RH914XS FBM219 RH916RH FBM207C RH917GY FBM227 P0927AC CM902WX FCP270 P0917YZ 0399143 SY-0301060R SY-1025115C/SY-1025120E SY-60399001R SY-60301001RB The rated connected load is 9 kVA. The rated DC voltage in the intermediate coil is 240 Volts AC. The rated output current is 50 Amps. The peak output current is 100 Amps. The switch-off overvoltage threshold for the 64WKS-M240/50-RLG is 325 Volts. The form factor of the output current is 1.01. The bandwidth of the secondary current control circuit is 1 kilohertz. The clock rate of the output stage is 8.5 kilohertz. The residual voltage drop at the rated current is 4 Volts. Mechanical specifications for the 64WKS-M240/50-RLG include 5.1 kilograms weight (including compact housing) and dimensions of 296 x 390 x 165 millimeters (with compact housing). The power signals are connected to M6 studs. The real panel contains the RLG connector which is a sub D9-pol connector. Ambient temperature range at rated values is 0 to 45 degrees Celsius The S700 series of servo amplifiers has gained exceptional recognition by professionals.The series features a lightweight and feature-laden servo amplifiers that are used for various advanced motion control applications.The S72402-NANANA supports a wide range of connectivity options, including the RS232 interface.The device also comes with the 2CAN expansion module. Using the various expansion slots provided with the device, users can extend the functionality of the amplifier even more. SynqNetand DeviceNet expansion are also supported by the device.The device has a very reasonable noise emission that stands at only 65 dB(A). The system complies with the 3M1 ibration class according to the IEC standards. The ideal temperature range for the system's operation is between 0 ?C to 40 ?C.
SY-60702001RA/SY-61025006RA/SY-61025004RA/SY-61025001RA 0399144 SY-0301059F SY-1025115C/SY-1025120E FCP270 P0917YZ H92 FBM218 IPM02/P0904HA FOXBORO FCP270 P0917YZ H929049B0500 H92904CC0500 P0914TN RH924YF RH924WA FBM233 P0926GX FBM233 P0926GX FBM230 P0926GU FBM232 P0926GW FCP280 RH924YA FCP280 RH924YA FBM233 P0926GX FBM227 P0927AC FCP270 P0917YZ FBM237 RH914XS FBM219 RH916RH FBM207C RH917GY FBM227 P0927AC CM902WX FCP270 P0917YZ 0399143 SY-0301060R SY-1025115C/SY-1025120E SY-60399001R SY-60301001RB
SY-60702001RA/SY-61025006RA/SY-61025004RA/SY-61025001RA 0399144 SY-0301059F SY-1025115C/SY-1025120E FCP270 P0917YZ H92 FBM218 IPM02/P0904HA