1. Type: Used Clothing
2. Name: stocked/Vintage Clothing
3. Age Group: Adults
4. Condition: Used ,secondhand
5. Supply: Used Clothing Mixed all seasons styles and brands
Thank you for your interest in our second hand clothing bags and shoes. RAD Group, a subcompany of GENSON HK CO.,LTD which invested in China Mainland 2009.Genson industry HK CO., LTD Is a leading exporter to all regions of the world, and have 3 years of experience which means we know exactly what you are looking for. If you are a serious buyer you will be amazed at our quality, and if you are a new first time buyer let us help you get started. We understand that if you don't make money, we don't can exist. We are in the business of building long lasting business relationships, not just selling one container and never speaking with our customers again. We pride our selves on our quality of clothing and quality of customer service. Please review our requirements and attached price and item list.
- we ship minimum 20 foot containers
- we ship either 20 or 40 foot high cube containers
- we can pack your clothing in any size bales from 100 to 1000 lb bales
- we can separate and grade clothing to your specifics or sell mixed bales
- we require full payment fob up front on a 20 foot container and 65% deposit on a 40 foot
- you are more than welcome to come to our warehouse anytime before, during, or after the buying
------------------------cooperate with my heart ,succeed in your way---------------------------
Whats app :+8618688872958 skype:radgroup1