about CAREUD
Adopting Infineon design,the sensor is stable and reliable;
"CAREUD U901" is adopting Infineon design which is the most reliable and widest used for testing the pressure of tires;
The Infineon company is a global leading supplier of semiconductor technology sensor sales,who is used to be a semiconductor department of Siemens;So far the Cumulative shipments of the sensor IC is more than 2,000,000,000 pieces,about 50% of the global market.Its design of Infineon is the most reliable and widest used in the present market;
"CAREUD U901" is adopting Infineon design;There are more than 30 million cars are adopting Infineon design whose quality is already be accepted in Europe and North America market;
about 70% the car accident is caused by blow-out,Infineon design is absolutely necessary in Europe and North America market for safety;
1,Real-time monitoring of tire pressure
we can monitor the pressure of tires while we can driving by figures;this equipment can warn us the situation of air leak caused by abrasion or other problems;
Tire abnormal alarm
the figure of each tire will flicker when pressure is too low,or too high,or the temperature is too high,meanwhile light will flicker and alarm will ring with BiBiBi,so that you can learn the alarm situation better;
Fast leak alarm
When the tire is leaking too fast,we can read the figure from the display in 3 seconds, the alarm will ring immediately before the pressure is too low
Strong anti-interference ability
long distance receiving signals,stable and reliable
Wifi connection between sensor and mainframe machine,long distance receiving signals,stable and reliable;Strong anti-interference ability
Sensors are small,easy to disassemble
anti-theft,battery import from switzerland which is much more reliable;Sensor with Infineon IC from Germany,which can be also used by big truck(pressure more than 10bar),no air leak is allowed,(waterproof,dampproof,dustproof),easy to replace battery,long use life,we can buy this battery from supermarket easily;