The Essence of Liquid Powder, OfMomLiquid Powder
Our precious baby's first nutritious meal with mother's heart
üHigh Quality Milk, which is brewed at environmentally friendly direct farms in the clean Alps.
- Premium raw milk, which is the top 2% of Italy's total production.
üOriginal liquid formula without powder process, such as unnecessary drying and heat treatment
- Packed to Complete Products in 48 Hours with One-Direct Process
üCompletely sterile and vacuum-packed with ultra-high temperature instant sterilization and Aseptic filling
-Completely sterile vacuum with Tetrapackpacking which uses eco-friendly material
üMaintain a constant raw milk density
- Maintain a constant content anytime, anywhere for balanced feeding
üEasy breastfeeding and going out
- Able to breast-feed immediately after opening, so you can feed at night and when you go out without worrying.