The product is one kind of litter stye system,has gained《agruculture machinery generalize exequatur》and《report of adaptability test》by guang dong agriculture agriculture machinery appraisal station award . Product has already accord with corporation criterion by checkup.
Product has these strongpoints for example :volume small ,weight light ,power great ,pressure strong ,atomize well ,rang far ,handdle easily and conveniencly ,service cinveniencly .
Sphere of application :
It is one kind of better plane protection spray machinery that Be adapt of agriculture ,fruit ,flower gardens ,weeding wood field , vegetable base ,gardens virescense ,flower gardening to spray water ,spray medicine for prevention and cure the plane diseases and inset pests
Main ordonnance and technique parameter :
Power :5.5HP bnezine engine match 22 stye three cask tusk pump
Pressure of Working:1.5~3.5Mpa
Flux :15~16L/min rang :12~15m
Rotate speed:700~800r/min
Size of shape:65×35×48(cm)
Whole machinery weight :30kg
Ordonnance:30meter sprayer glue cannal, one of may ajust spraygun ,attract water pipe ,circumfluence cannal,filter ,easily harm accessories .