Model No.: RW-DYJ001Printing method: inkless printing (thermal)Resolution: 203DPIWeight: 190G (Without box)Battery: 300mAHInterface: BluetoothIncision: ManualPrinting width: Maximum 15mm /sLife time: Continuous printing of 4 rolls of paperCharging interface: TYPE-C5VRecommended using temperature: 10-40 ℃
Printable content: numbers, symbols, multi-language, expressions, custom pictures, QR code, BarcodeText, pictures, voice, video, etc. can be converted into corresponding QR code
Product highlights
No ink requiredHD printerThermal printing technologyHigh resolutionMassive materialLabel waterproofVideo transcoding
Home:Clothes sortingKitchen storageBeauty storageDrug storageGift stickersLamp switch markCharger markPersonal goods markGarbage classification mark
Office:File classification markPersonal goods mark
School:Book and stationery mark
Commercial:Supermarket price tagCatering menuBarcodeClothing tag