Product Description
Ragworm, sandworm, clamworm, Live lugworm, the best fresh bait for sea fishing
Lugworm, angling bait, is better to be kept in cold storage for retaining freshness. Putting in refrigerator or cold room, with the temperature about 8 degrees, it can be conserved for 7--12 days or longer.
Product feature
1. Versatile angle bait in sea fishing
2. It almost can lure all kinds of fishes in sea as angle bait, because lugworm is the food that all kinds of fishes like
3. It can be seen obviously in sea due to its phosphorescent body. Clingy to fishhook, with strong seafood smell, thick and tough body, and of simple operation, fishes prefer to peck, angling effectively
4. The swing of its body and the strong fishy smell from the released internal juices, can attract more fishes efficiently in sea.
5. Farmed lugworm is much better than the wild in shoal land for its vitality.
6. Red lugworm is slightly thick tough enough and weighty, easy to lure but not to rot --most suitable for fishing.
7. Readily attract a wide range of species to include bass, plaice, dab, sole, flounder, black sea bream, barracuda, damselfish, snakehead, coalfish, pollack, whiting, gurnard, wrasse, ect. And smooth hound.
8. Cyan ones are so soft that fishes like to eat, but easy to rot within minutes in sea.
9. The nutrition of lugworm is rich in protein (protein content more than 68%), amino acid and eicosapentaenoic acid -superb living natural bait for artificially breeding fish, prawn, and crab, called high efficient catalyst to maturate prawn and crab